Monday, June 23, 2008

Word or Site of the Day

Word of the day today is:

\kuh-PAY-shuhs\, adjective:
Able to contain much; roomy; spacious.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Word or Site of the Day

Wikipedia is a great site that I use on a weekly and almost daily basis. It is full of great content and updated daily. When there is a subject you want more information on, check it out at:

Word or Site of the Day

cogent \KOH-juhnt\, adjective:
Having the power to compel conviction; appealing to the mind or to reason; convincing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


In the last year podcasts have quickly become one of my favorite things to listen to. There are podcasts on many subjects and the average joe seems to be getting quite good at these.

If you are new to podcasts, I encourage you to download itunes software and use it to browse, download, and listen to the piles of free podcasts available.

Podcasts to me bring free content from everyday people who share your same interests and they often have resources/access to people for great interviews. For example I listen to many photography podcasts of which they interview all kinds of famous professional photographers. What a great way to gain insight instead of just reading books.

Currently I listen to many podcasts on photography, Mac OS, and computer programming. The vast number of them keep me more than entertained even with this small number of interests listed.

So if you haven't tried listening to podcasts, give a try, they have lots to offer. Who knows maybe someday you'll be hosting your own show...

Word or Site of the Day

For any of you out there considering the purchase of an iMac or Macbook, the Apple site listed below has two very good videos that strongly convinced me that I was buying an excellent product. Also on the Apple site are many videos and tutorials on how to quickly and easily use your Mac or iLife08. These videos are well done and urge any of you on the fence to watch them, or even if you haven't put much thought into a Mac before, check them out anyway, you might just start thinking of your next purchase...



The short...        If you don't own a Mac, get one!   As a long experienced computer programmer and user I can tell you these machines are outstanding.  Their feature list is amazing, ease of use just as good, performance is quite something, beauty and elegance are to be noted, quickly growing community, developers, and applications, ability to run Windows and software via virtualization, etc.

It is truly just an awesome experience with these machines, they work much more the way you'd expect things to work, they're stable, they're quick, they're secure, and they're fun.

Amazing work Apple...

PersonalBrain 4 - free mind mapping software

Today I thought I'd share with you quickly a terrific piece of free software both for Mac OS and Windows.  It is called PersonalBrain 4 and is free.  I've been using this software for about a month on both platforms and am very impressed with how well it works, how easy and flexible it is, and how easily you can navigate and search.

The basics of it is creating thoughts and then attaching other thoughts as you see them related.  A great feature is that you can attach many things from your computer such as: files, emails, application shortcuts, web site addresses by dragging and dropping them onto a 'thought'.  

I encourage all of you to try this great piece of software as it is so flexible and open-ended for you to store information and very quickly find it.  I use both for personal and work things in my life I want to remember or keep track of.

Word or Site of the day

As a test to see if this drives traffic to my site as well as a way to keep me more active, I'm going to try making blog posts of either words or sites, etc. that may draw traffic from search engines.

The site today is: