Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Flash Strikes Again

Another evening of practicing my flash photography. This shot I was happy with, and just in time because Ophelia was getting quite tired of being a test subject, and retreated to this nearby hideout.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Flash of Cat

Just working at my flash photography this evening... Was hoping to catch the subject doing some fancy tricks in the air, so I could stop motion with the flash, but my kitty was less than energetic to say the least... Must be the Maritime cold setting in.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Coloring Creativity

When I was taking my original photograph of this scene, it struck me very quickly as simple beauty with the nice trees, color, swing on a big old tree, but the shadow lines were very strong and I wanted to capture it.

I did a little editing to make it more abstract because the lines and two big tree circles of light through the leaves were my inspiration.

Hope you enjoy! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 16, 2006

Nearing Falls End

A convert of a photo I took this past weekend hopefully taking you back on a journey of old memories. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Woodstock Wonders

Plant life has fallen for the year, but holds it beauty. This shot was taken in my brothers backyard in Woodstock, NB, which has lots of fall beauty waiting to be photographed. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rustic Revisited

Another artistic interpretation of a photo I took of a beautiful car. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 02, 2006

A New Fall

Spent an evening at Rockwood Park taking some fall photos, and thought I'd share this artistic version of one of them. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Prince Edward Island

Recently spent some time in PEI for work, met some nice folks, travelled around Charlottetown and Cavendish, and caught a few pics of the scenery.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Surfin

Some great local kayakers at the falls reversed a dull foggy Saint John day.

Quite a show they put on.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Casually Crisp

This was just one of the greats at the car show in Moncton I visited last weekend. Quite amazing the work these folks do.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Moncton Monday

This little fella was enjoying the sun on Canada Day in Moncton and he/she captured the mood perfectly.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday Freedom

My Friday morning is starting off great and looking forward to the weekend freedom ahead.

Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Beautiful Boating

A shot I took in St. Andrews and creatively manipulated to represent the feeling I had for the shot.

Monday, May 29, 2006

St Andrews Art

I made a quick trip to St Andrews tonight and enjoyed it very much.

Here's one of my better pics.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Doggie Dynamics

This was my most dynamic model of the weekend, but got to practice focus tracking option on my camera and enjoyed the challenge.

I think this subject is very photogenic, loves attention and playtime.

Moncton Moodlight

A great sunset to finish off a great day of visiting family in Moncton and Buctouche this weekend.

Moncton Magic

I also got to visit two of my brothers and family in Moncton this weekend. They are very hospitable and family natured. It was great weather for us to get outside with the kids and let there dog run as my photo shows here.

Always enjoy seeing family, and thanks for making my weekend trip so enjoyable!

Buctouche Blossom

This past weekend I spent some real quality time with my family who live in Buctouche(as well as family that were there visiting) and they opened my eyes to just how beatiful of an area it is.

I really look forward to getting back to visit my family there and the scenery.

Thanks for a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A two-fold challenge!

A two-fold challenge:

Make a boring picture of dandelions hopefully interesting


Getting them all mowed!

For the photo, I took a few shots of varying degrees of focus, and then layered them in Photoshop to make a multiple exposure.

'High-kitty' Model Shot

Here's one of my better 'high-kitty' shots. She was sun-bathing, thus lots of backlighting.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Saint John Evening at RKYC

Our best evening thus far in Saint John 2006. Taken May 4, 2006 about 8 PM.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My new camera flash :)

Well, spoiled boy just got his new Canon 430 ex speedlite for his camera and is really excited about getting some great photos with it.

The camera club I belong to had 3 guys do great training sessions the other night on camera flash and studio lighting and there shots and creativity convinced me to purchase this flash.

I welcome all comments on creative uses with this such as home made attachments, bouncing the light, etc.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Saint John Spring Evening

Here's a photo I took of the Saint John Harbor, evening of April 23, 2006. It was a very nice spring evening and lots of people were out walking. Couldn't resist taking another night shot.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Introducing Ophelia McLaren...

Here's my favorite pet, the one and only...

Ophelia McLaren, just a crazy cat who loves everything new... especially treats!

This photo shows her behaving well because we just came home from the grocery store.

Welcome to my blog, hope you'll visit often...

This starts off my blog. The world is full of wonderful and interesting people and having this 'space' to share is exciting, so welcome all.

I have many interests and hobbies but photography is becoming a very strong interest of mine. The things I like about it are creativity, never ending subjects/methods to shoot, and is a visual history of my life, memories, etc.

I plan to add photos often to my blog and hope hear feedback from you all, as well as seeing your photos.

Outside of photography, I may blog other things of interest to me, like life, you never know what tomorrow will bring.

The picture above in this post is a wide angle shot I did at the Irving Nature Park in Saint John, NB, Canada in early 2006 spring.
